Hi! Today I show up the love of my life, appeared in my house 3 years ago, I dont know exactly his age because I rescue him from the Street, He had blue eyes and was full of fleas, he was very shy and everything  scared him ,but with time and love he became the cat that is now.

I like everything about him, is very intelligent and he know who I am, sleep a lot and is very lazy, He fights with all cats of my neighbors and notes that my house is his territory but that bothers me because sometimes they hurt him :(

Is very special because it came to my life without waiting but I love him too much for everything he shows me staying with me or making me love.

I miss him to much every time I leave home and it is one of the reasons why I travel every week. 
An pet changes you live and you appreciate everything a little more.


  1. I think you are very close with Maddie, and Maddie seems very lazy and friendly in the third picture (obruct the door)

  2. Like Maddie in the third photo, I'm left after eating all the refrigerator. How cute your kitty :3


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