good day everyone!
Well the truth is that I do not have a webpage in specific, but I follow many Instagram accounts that teach me and surprise me with new things every day, one of them and my favorite is "Yo veterinario" (https://www.instagram.com/yoveterinario/) , it is very fun.
Does mini test or tests so that you always train and do not forget what you have learned (these are from Histology, biochemistry, biology, etc.) complementing with pictures of clinical cases every day and it is an international page, so that veterinarians from other countries are always publishing their pictures, showing us what they do or what they are working on, I consider that for a student such an account is very valuable, prepares you to see all kinds of things and involves all the contents that a veterinarian needs
Because I occupy my cell phone every day I could say that at least eleven a day I see your publications, I'm a fan of your platform
I love it because it is very complete and didactic, I recommend it 100% to all my future colleagues.
I follow this account of instagram too!! It´s very funny, complete and didactic.
ResponderBorrarReally I like very much that website.